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異臭症 cacosmia
- 上気道感染
- bronchitis, sinusitis, rhinitis
- 頭部外傷
- Some head injuries can damage the olfactory bulbs in the brain
- 喫煙(chemical smokeを含む)
- Smokers often experience cacosmia and other smell disorders.
- This is believed to be due to direct injury to the OSN.
- The damage can be short term or long term.
- The longer and more frequently these cells are exposed to the toxins in cigarettes, the worse the damage over time appears to be.
- 薬剤性(抗がん剤含む)
- 典型的なのは長期的な抗菌薬
- 頭頚部の放射線治療歴
- 副鼻腔腫瘍
- 神経疾患
- アルツハイマー型認知症やパーキンソン病でまれに起きる
- 頭蓋底部脳腫瘍