




Motivation letter

  • Focus on your academic and research background with little mention of your personal story.
  • The motivation letter is strictly an academic summary.
  • You must include specific events in your undergraduate and graduate studies where you excelled
  • You should put “you” in your story. Avoid using the passive voice.
IntroductionMention your purpose and the program being applied for.
Main BodyA summary of your educational background, reasons for doing your PhD, the importance of your research work, and the information on your future goals.
ConclusionSign off by reiterating your admission goals while thanking the admissions authorities for their time and consideration


To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this letter to express my interest in applying for the Ph.D. project available in the (group name) under the project (project name) at the (institution name). I graduated with a master’s degree in civil engineering in (year) from the (institution name) in (location, city, country).

I have been XXX~~~ (work history / education history / background…)

I have also been XYZ ~~~ (skills / interests / awards / publication…) .

I believe my foundational knowledge of these core concepts and research experiences will contribute towards making me a good fit for the doctoral program at your institution.

I am aware of the perseverance and commitment expected of doctoral students pursuing research in this intellectually stimulating yet challenging arena of study. I will do my best to meet the high standards of your institution on this count. It is a great opportunity to demonstrate my skill sets while acquiring invaluable knowledge and research exposure if I am chosen for your Ph.D. program.

I remain at your disposal for any additional information.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



Example 2

Dear Members of the PhD Selection Committee,

My name is XXX, and I am writing this letter to fulfill the admission requirements of the XYZ PhD Program at ABC University. I have already submitted my audiovisual portfolio, CV, and transcripts, along with three letters of recommendation from, respectively, my master’s degree supervisor, Dr.AAA, my thesis supervisor, Dr. BBB, and my research colleague, CCC.


My career has been defined by ~~~~~

During my undergrad as a XXX student at X University, I was lucky enough to be showcased at the ~~~.

After my undergrad, I ~~~

I am grateful to this esteemed panel for considering my application, and I would like to close by expressing my profound admiration for the achievements in XXX each of you has contributed to a long, continuing train of thought.

I would be honored to accept a place beside you as a PhD candidate.



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