




EBM の 5steps

──【CC-BY-SA 4.0】Turner, M. (2014). 1)

Dr.Sackett の提案

  • Sackett が提唱した EBM の 5 steps の原文2)は以下の通り
The practice of evidence-based medicine is a process of life-long, self-directed learning in which caring for our own patients creates the need for clinically important information about diagnosis, prognosis, therapy, and other clinical and health care issues, and in which we (1) convert these information needs into answerable questions; (2) track down, with maximum efficiency, the best evidence with which to answer them (whether from the clinical examination, the diagnostic laboratory from research evidence, or other sources); (3) critically appraise that evidence for its validity (closeness to the truth) and usefulness (clincial applicability); (4) integrate this appraisal with our clinical expertise and apply it in practice; and (5) evaluate our performance.
# Steps 内容
1 Ask 臨床疑問を定式化する
2 Acquire(Access) 問題解決のため最良のエビデンスを探し出す(track down)
3 Appraise そのエビデンスの妥当性や臨床への応用可能性を批判的に吟味する
4 Apply その吟味の結果を,医療者の専門知識と合わせ(患者状態,価値観,置かれている環境を踏まえた上で)(*)適用する
5 Audit(Assess) Step1〜4の結果を評価し,次に活かす
  • 1996年の「EBMとは何か」論文3)において,Sackett 氏が「エビデンスは患者の臨床状態や境遇,嗜好などと合致するかも含めて適用すべきかどうか決めるものである」ことを明記していることを踏まえ(*)部分を強調した
External clinical evidence can inform, but can never replace, individual clinical expertise, and it is this expertise that decides wheter the external evidence applies to the individual patient at all and, if so, how it should be integrated into clinical decision.Similarly, any external guideline must be integrated with individual clinical expertise in deciding whether and how it matches the patient's clinical state, predicament, and preferences, and thus whether it should be applied.
  • 専門家の臨床経験は EBP(Evidence-Based Practice)の定義の一部であるが,Health professionals は,意思決定のために臨床経験のみに頼るのではなく,臨床経験とエビデンスに基づく情報とを併用する必要がある
“Evidence-Based Practice in Health.” Retrieved from University of Canberra website
Sackett DL. Evidence-based medicine. Seminars Perinatol 1997 Feb;21(1):3-5. DOI
Sackett DL et al. “Evidence based medicine: what it is and what it isn't.” BMJ. 1996 Jan 13; 312(7023): 71–72 PMCID: 2349778
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