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Case reports

General Internal Medicine

JournalWordsReferencesConsent FormOther pointsAPC
QJM1)≤600 words≤ 6refsRequires journal-specified form
CMAJ2)<1500 words, 4 authors, real case presentation (≤ 500 words), discussion of underlying condition (≤ 1,000 words) 10 referencesrecommends to use their form, or something similar3).“common presentations of important rare conditions and important unusual presentations of common problems.”
EJCRIM4)Total:?, Abstract: Structured, ≤250 words?Include up to 2 tables and 5 figures (72 dpi). Use their template366 EURO
Internal Medicine5)No word limit, No figure/table limit. Abstract ≤100 wordsNo templatesOA. List of 2 - 6 key wordsUSD300 (Non-members)
Cureus6)word limit?≤20 refs, ≤ 5 authorsTemplate?Need to choose 5 reviewersfree
Medicine7)Total word limit? structured abstract ≤ 350 words?Requires journal-specified form8)OA. They started directing authors to related journal “Medicine: Case Reports and Study Protocols.”, which are NOT indexed in PubMedUSD 1950 or USD 600 (related journal)

Clinical Neurology Field

JournalWordsReferencesConsent FormOther pointsAPC
Neurology9)≤1,500 Words, Unstructured abstract with <250 words,≤2 Figures or tables≤15 RefRequires journal-specified form10)Resident & Fellow section ONLY. Clinical Reasoning, Pearls & Oy-sters
CNN11)≤1200 words, 3-5 highlights, 1-2 figures, NO tables.≤ 5 RefNo template, Elsevier policy12)Unstructured abstract of 8 to 10 lines (Abstract is requested to facilitate the review process and will not be published.(OA option: USD 3630)
JNS(letter)13)≤1000 words, limited number of figures (perhaps 1 if necessary).≤ 10 refNo template, Elsevier policy14)Letters to the Editor should begin 'Dear Editor', and should not include an abstract. (OA option: USD 3530)
BMC Neurology15)Total word limit: Not specified?, Structured Abstract ≤ 350 words.Not specified?“You can use your institutional consent form or our consent form if you prefer. You should not send the form to us on submission, but we may request to see a copy at any stage (including after publication)“OAUSD 2890
BMJ Neurology Open16)≤1500 words, Abstract:structured, ≤200 words,1 table or Figure≤15 refRequires journal-specified form. JAPANESE available.17)OAUSD 1988(Short reports)
Frontiers in Neurology18)≤ 3000 words, no more than 4 display items (figures, tables, or videos)Not specified?No templates?NEED TO USE THEIR WORD TEMPLATE. Authors should follow the CARE guidelines and submit a completed CARE checklist as a supplementary file.USD 2095 Type B19)
Rinsho shikeigaku20)<2000 words, Abstract ≤ 300 words, Figure/Table ≤ 6≤30 RefRequires journal-specified form (Japanese)21)OA. ≤6 authorsJPY 5000